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In case you hadn't noticed...

I always had a problem with trying to force my poetry into the strict frameworks that are often thought to be what makes poetry - poetry.

Forced rhyming and meter seemed to make my own work seem forced and unnatural.

That is not to say that I think that the work written by others that does conform to more traditional poetry formats seems forced or unnatural.  It is only that for myself - invoking a reaction in my reader (an experience) is what I aspire to do.

Sometimes there are rhymes and sometimes there is some metering.  If there is, then it is usually just a happy accident.

And as far as the meaning of my poetry...You are free to ask.  But for the most part, the meaning that I intended is whatever happens inside of you.

Art should not dictate.  It should draw out its meaning from its audience.

Hopefully, what I write will add more to your life than the time it takes to read it.

At least, that is what I want my art to do.


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